Suzanne Maggio

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Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

I never win anything.

I’m serious. I’ve never won the lottery. Or Keno . No payouts at slot machines or free trips to Hawaii (courtesy of Hawaiian Airlines and the San Francisco Giants). Heck, I couldn’t even win a portable spa at the county fair despite shoving tons of those little slips of paper into a fish bowl.

When I was 10 I did win a puzzle and a sleeve of Bazooka Bubble Gum at the roller rink but that’s it. I swear. Oh, and a set of tickets to see Keb Mo’ from a local radio station. But that’s my entire winning portfolio. Cross my heart.

Hey, winning isn’t everything, right?

Sure. Who am I kidding?

All this to say that if you’re on Goodreads, (and if you aren’t, you should be) you can enter to win a copy of The Cardinal Club. In memory of my mom and in celebration of Mother’s Day, Over the next two weeks I’m giving away 10 copies of my book. All you have to do is log into your Goodreads account and register to win. It’s that simple.

So what are you waiting for? Get on Goodreads. Register to win. Maybe you’ll be luckier than me.