Suzanne Maggio

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Rays of Hope - Mikayla Henning, Jennifer Rea and Lee Stumbaugh

“Just getting to hear her life story was so incredible, the difficult things she’s been through in her life —it really puts it into perspective… it makes me just want to ask any senior I talk to, ‘What is your story?’ —because everyone has a story.” - Lee Stumbaugh

As we begin the spring semester of From Sparks to Light, I have a special treat for you. I’m joined today by a few of my students, Jenn, Mikayla and Lee, who were a part of my fall semester Careers in Psychology class.

One of the assignments of the class is to engage in what we, in education, call service learning. Service learning involves going out into the community to engage in volunteer service and then coming back into the classroom to discuss that experience through weekly writing and discussion. Today Jenn, Mikayla and Lee are here to talk about their experience, to let us in, if you will, about their process. They share what they did. How it felt to give back. What they learned from the experience and finally, they offer advice for anyone listening about how and why to get involved in their community.

Let me tell you how proud I am of them and their classmates who give hundreds of hours of service to our community each semester. They really are the future.

Welcome Jenn, Mikayla and Lee.

You can hear their episode here.

Do you know someone who has a story to tell? Someone who is giving back to their community? Working to make our world a better place? Send an email to Nominate them for a future episode of From Sparks to Light.