My life is filled with deja vu moments. You know those moments, the ones you're sure you've experienced before. When you're the parent of a teenager, those deja vu moments seem to happen a lot. Not only do you have the opportunity to relive your own adolescence as you travel through theirs, but if you have more than one child you're guaranteed to be stuck in the adolescent revolving door, spinning round and round and round.
Teenage shoe shopping has become one of those deja vu moments. After spending 2 hours walking around various shoe stores in search of the perfect size 15 boat, (oops, I mean shoe), I was haunted by the thought that I've been here before. Sure enough, after checking my memory banks (aka my computer files) I found the following blog I wrote almost a year ago.
To quote Yogi Berra, "It's deja vu all over again."